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three wolves in the forest

Re-wilding Coaching and Consultation 

Do you feel like you just can't be here right now?


That you've exceeded your capacity to be in your body?


That you're unable to hold space for yourself, let alone anyone else?


You're not alone.  What you're missing is the map.


  We're here to show you the roadmap to the self you want to be.


Join the Re-wilding Subscription and learn to empower and love yourself, improve your wellness, and begin your journey to Self-Reclamation and Self-Mastery!


We will guide and support you on your journey of transformation, as you transmute and alchemize the pain and suffering you've experienced into the blissful and fulfilling life you desire and deserve. 


With this program, you'll receive empowerment and transformation for your total human experience.


We want to help you achieve complete embodiment.


We address the whole human: Body, Mind, and Soul- all the parts of you need to be gathered, healed, and released if necessary so that you can be the most authentic you that you were meant to be whole, free, happy, and wild!


This six-month subscription provides 3 sessions per month with two ordained ministers/coaches.


When you sign up for our Re-wilding Subscription you're investing in yourself.


With our subscription, you'll:


Begin your journey to self reclamation

Do you remember the last time you felt truly free? Were you a child? Or have you ever felt truly wild and free and happy with your life? You can reclaim that wild part of you- the part of you that is curious and adventurous and ready to experience life to its fullest- and incorporate it into your daily life to embrace the bliss that is your birthright. Re-wilding teaches you to reclaim all the parts of yourself you were forced to abandon along the way and how to  re-integrate them to heal your whole self.

This is deep inner work, meeting your true self.

Build a relationship with you

The world we live in is one of constant demand and expectation, we often learn that to be 'successful' we must sacrifice ourselves. To embrace our own divine light and fullest potential we must examine our shadows, wounds, and limiting belief systems that harm our relationships with ourselves. We will guide you in beginning a practice of embracing your shadow self and accepting the parts of you that you have hidden from your conscious self- your inner victim and your inner villain- to face them, forgive them, incorporate them fully into your identity as part of the spectrum of who you are as an individual, and move forward with empathy for yourself.

Take control of your personal wellness

Many of us were not taught that our needs are important, that they matter, and that they are a priority. Often we can become very adept at caring and providing for others, but our ability and comfort with giving the same care and consideration to ourselves needs improvement. In Megan's one to one personal wellness consultations you'll learn to identify your various needs and how to care for and nurture them and yourself. If we are not filling ourselves up, we cant give of ourselves without being drained.

In Megan's online wellness community you will learn practices of self love, self care, and goal attainment to help you realize your ideal experience in living your life.

Guided Meditation & Reiki Healing

Many of us have experienced trauma. Some of those traumas happened before we had words to explain what was happening to us. In my Meditation and  Healing one on one sessions, we learn how to release these traumas from our body and chakras and transmute the pain to move from surviving to thriving. We can’t truly thrive without releasing the trauma energies from our bodies. In my 1:1 sessions, you will learn how to release these negative unwanted energies from your body.

Develop a growth mindset

Were you taught that you were born with a limited potential for growth?  This couldn't be farther from the truth.  We are all capable of learning, growing, and improving ourselves.  Here you'll learn how to break through the glass ceiling and begin developing your own Self-Mastery through Growth Mindset.  The only thing that truly limits our potential is the strength of our beliefs in our own abilities.  We will guide you in learning to recognize the opportunities around you, to begin re-framing your perception of failure into invitations to find new paths to your goals, and to recognize the lessons in self-faith that closed doors have to offer.  Developing your mindset is a powerful practice in developing your desired self.

Learn how to transform your life

In many tribal and shamanic traditions throughout human history, our ancestors held death and rebirth rite of passage ceremonies. These events were held for individuals in their communities who had reached key milestones or who experienced significant life altering events.(The dark night of the soul) Here you will learn how to navigate loss as a shedding of what you once were but no longer serves you. This is the ancient shamanic serpent medicine we will teach and encompass in our embodiment coaching. This is a key piece of understanding in learning to apply the power of your transformation in your daily life.

In partnership with Learning to L.I.V.E. coaching


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